Starfire 2017 Collection "Field Studies: Space, Time, Energy & Matter"
I am excited to share with you my new collection that arises from my life and work.
Source Consciousness goes by many names, depending on your point of view. When visionary scientists such as Telsa and Einstein searched for the basis of matter in the 1800's, they found more and more aware particles that actually responded to being looked at. Over time the terms "Quantum Field," or "Unified Field" or "The Field" became terms used to describe that all life is interconnected, interrelated and aware, down to the smallest particles. How do we become aware of this "Field" and co-create with it?
This collection, with five pieces, is designed to help us learn to "play in the Field." "The Field" also led me to a stone carver to purchased the paver stones that were in the sidewalk out the front door of Einstein's home in Bern where he did most of his work on this subject.
Each piece has "Einstein Stones" in it, with the hopes that the universal circulation of energies will connect us in "the Field."
I am also excited to announce that this Starfire Bead Collection will launch at the amazing Mii Amo Spa Feb 2-5th, 2017 in Sedona, AZ.
After that it will be in the Tres Leches Art Gallery, Northrup King Bldg, Minneapolis, Mn in the Arts District.